Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"(for a) Lead role in a cage"

Exp: 28mm - f4 - 1/15
Film: Kodak Tmax 400
File: 7-19
At: - / 30

I've decided that any additional writing in the posts of this project won't compromise my artistic vision. Some people have been thrown off by this project, so I'll reiterate that I am composing an image with a title that happens to belong to each lyric of the song "Wish you were here" by Pink Floyd. As each piece is an individual work that I own, this is a clear cut case of fair use. It's a good way to keep me thinking about my new hobby, and my way of taking back some of our culture from big music labels.

Well, I obviously sort of floundered with this lyric (its been over a month); it was hard to come up with a composition that wasn't too obvious. In order to keep myself moving I'm going to try to commit to making a print to post for every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This may be hard in the next few weeks as we have a baby due.

Also, I've been doing a lot of reading - Ansel Adams' series "the camera", "the negative", and "the print." It's a different experience than textbooks in school. Maybe it's the more directed learning experience, learning something you actually want to learn makes every page a revelation, instead of a chore. I wanted to get through more of these books before I made more prints.

I got a new lens, a 50mm f1.8 series E nikon that's probably older than me. Fantastic quality for an insanely low price, and it's a good companion to my 28mm f2.8 series E. I'll include which lens and maybe fstop and exposure information with my prints ( if I remember or write it down) along with the information I already post: File: negative page- frame number, At: filter-print exposure time.

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